My latest development in creative exploration is with Augmented Reality. This is an exciting new medium that enhances the experience of my traditional artwork with digital/animated art. Some folks call them “Harry Potter” paintings, as they “come to life.”
I have created Augmented Reality experiences for over 15 of my paintings. I am currently utilizing the augmented reality platform and mobile app called Artivive. To experience this, download the Artivive mobile app from your app store and point your device at any of my AR-enabled paintings. This is best done in a gallery setting, but also can work by pointing the Artivive app at one of my paintings on your computer screen (for example). See below for how to do this.
Show Me, Don’t Tell Me
It is a lot easier to experience this than explain it:
Here’s my painting called “The Surface”

And here’s a clip of the AR enabled in a gallery setting:
And here’s the full clip of the AR:
OK, so how does it work?
The steps are relatively simple:
- Create a painting
- Create a short video inspired by, and based on, the painting. Or, collect static elements such as photos or 3D rendered objects.
- Load the painting and video into the Artivive system
- The viewer (that’s you) installs the Artivive app on their device and points the device at the painting
- The app then displays the video, augmenting the experience for the viewer.
- Ooohs and Aaahs tend to follow
I want to try it!
- Pull up this page on a computer or device
- On ANOTHER device, download the Artivive app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and open the app on your phone or tablet. It is free and doesn’t require an account.
- Point the app at the painting on this page and see what happens. Better yet, come to a gallery opening with my paintings and enjoy in person!
Some final thoughts
This is just the start of a new creative process with a lot of potential. The AR world is always expanding, and I’ve got a lot more to learn, including integrating 3D elements. There are many big players in the field, so it has a lot of exciting energy and opportunities. If you’re an artist or art enthusiast and would like to learn more or discuss, I’d love to hear from you. Email me at
Here’s a bunch of my AR-enhanced paintings
Here’s the YouTube versions of some of my AR experiences. It is not quite the same effect as using the app in a gallery setting, but you should get the general idea: